Scala Functions
Local Functions
Local functions are the functions defined inside other functions. Therefore , local functions can access the parameters of their enclosing function.
First-class Functions
Scala supports first-class functions which can be user defined as well as anonymous literal value, for example
(x:Int) => x + 1
parameters and the function body separated by the "=>". In case if the type can be inference, then no need to define type, this is called target typing. In the partially applied function, no need to provide all the necessary parameters, but partially. For example,
def sum(a:Int, b:Int):Int = a + b //> sum: (a: Int, b: Int)Int
val a = sum _ //> a : (Int, Int) => Int = ex3$$$Lambd
a.apply(1,2) //> res1: Int = 3
In the second line, you don't need to give parameters. The underscore can be given to replace one or more parameters:
val f: (Int, Int) => Int = (_ : Int) + (_ : Int)
In the following code segment, function f3
has two bound variables and one free variable which is a
val a = 10 //current value
val f3 = (x:Int, y:Int) => (x+y) + a
A function literal with no free variables, is called a closed term otherwise called open term. Th function value created at runtime from a function literal is called a closure.
Higher-order functions
Functions that takes function as parameters are called higher-order functions. The great benefit of higer-order functions is they enable you to create control abstractions. Other benefit that you can put the higher-order functions in an API itself.
val arr = Array(1,2,3,4)
def f(x:Int*) = (y:(Int*) => Int) => y(x: _*)
val s = f(arr: _*)
s( (x:Seq[Int]) => x.reduceLeft(_ + _) )
In the line# 2, the return type (derived from the left side of the definition of the f
is (Seq[Int] => Int) => Int
, therefore, in line# 4, you have to pass the Seq[Int] => Int
compatible function which is work on the repeated parameter passed in the line# 2. Above s
has used currying. You can create a control abstraction as follows:
f(arr: _*) {
(x: Seq[Int]) => x.reduceLeft(_ + _)
You can change the right side of the equation inside the {...}
in the above.
You can create new control structure as well because you can pass the function to higher-order function.
def twice(f: Int => Int):Int => Int = x => f(f(x))
// for example
twice((x:Int) => x *2)(3)
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