
This page contains the tutorials collected from the blogs written time to time. Follwoing this will make your life easier.


Post Description
01 SBT fundamentals How to install Scala with SBT tool.
02 Intellij Idea for Scala I prefer Intellij IDEA Scala plugin (free).
03 Scala Tips: case class Case classes in Scala.
04 Scala Notes Basic structure like maps in Scala.
05 Scala Functions Functions are first class in the Scala language because of her funtional programming nature. Closures and Higher-order functions are introduced in this blog.
06 Pattern matching Explained Scala Pattern matching is very general topic to cover:Variable Pattern and Data Constructor Pattern.
07 Scala Tips: Matching Matching with Guard Conditions.
08 Scala Tips: Functions and Closures Functions and Closures in functional paradigm: Local Functions, Partial Functions,First-class Functions, Monomorphic and Polymorphic functions and Variadic Functions.
09 Scala Tips - separating common from varying This is functional paradigm level of spearting common from varying which is not as in the OO paradigm.
10 Spark On AWS EMR In this tutorial, Spark job written in scala to execute on AWS EMR platform.


Post Description
01 Python Defensive Iteration Generators are the best save of out of memory problem
02 Python tip to group arrays Grouping is one of the most important in data cleansing. In the Python, itertools package is one of the most important.
03 Python Simple Tips Iterators, lambda, blending and zipping, Generators and other tools to use effectively.
04 Collatz Conjecture in Python Collatz Conjecture example
05 Parse the namespace based XML using Python How to parser and modify the xml file using python.
06 Python Algorithm to flattening JSON Big data algorithm to flatten the JSON.
07 Atom as Spark Editor Atom editor with Spark pyspark
08 python fun Analytics you can do in Python
Pandas Land Use of pandas for data analytics
09 Python Mocking Examples Mock to test the python programms.
10 PyPI hosting on AWS S3 Hosting python libraries for for everybody to access.

Spring 3 (Java)

Post Description
01 Getting started with maven 3 Create Spring project for Maven 3.
02 Auto wiring Spring bean auto wiring using @Autowiring
03 Standard wiring JSR-330 standard wirting instead of auto wirting.
04 Lifecycle Management Lifecycle management of the beans in Spring
05 Spring 3 Part 5: Factory Beans This is the solution to create instances which are not possible to crate via “new” operator.
06 Spring AOP Spring 3 AOP concept and support is explained.
07 Spring with Databases Connect with MySQL database.
08 Spring Hibernate open session view Use of the open sesson concept of the Hibernate 3.5.2 in the Spring 3.
09 Spring Security LDAP integration Spring 3 Security enable LDAP
10 Java Web development with AngularJS Spring 3 integration with AngularJs ver 1 for single page applications.


Post Description
1 R Language Basics R lang basics

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