PyPI hosting on AWS S3

Create a web hosting in the AWS S3

It is a common task to create a web hosting in the S3 bucket. However, you have to change the permission to access the bucket via http protocol. For that you can right click the dist folder and select the Make public from the drop down menu.

Create Distribution package

Create a directory for distribution package source for example ojservice. Your folder structure is as follows:


In the above structure, index.html and error.html are two files given in the AWS S3 host configuration under the bucket’s Static web hosting : respectively index and error documents.

Here the

def hello(name):
    return 'Hello {}'.format(name)

In addition to that you have to install the package pip2pi

pip install pip2pi

Create file for the distribution:

from distutils.core import setup

    license='Coreative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license',

Create Distribution package which target is dist folder under the parent directory

python sdist

run the following command to create the package hierarchy:

dir2pi dist

Sync the folder to the s3 bucket for example: ojpy

aws s3 sync dist/simple s3://ojpy

Install the package using pip

Setup the client application to import and test the pip distribution package. Virtual environment is the best.

mkdir ojtest
cd ojtest

#setup virtual env
virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/ojtest

#activate the enviroment
source ~/.virtualenvs/ojtest/bin/activate

Here the command

pip install --index-url=http://<s3 host>/ojservice ojservice==0.1 --trusted-host <s3 host>

Here the example

pip install --index-url= ojservice==0.1 --trusted-host

Here the code snippet to import from the distributed package

from ojservice import helloservice


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