
Showing posts from 2010

JSF Bean Validation (JSR 303) Quick Tutorial

There are two type of validation available to Java EE applications. As stated in the [1], most of the tedious error checking and error handling is done outside of the model tier. Validators are usually instance of the javax.faces.validator.Validator . Validation normally happen early during the Process Validations phase of the request processing life-cycle. The following validation are possible View/Page validation Model validation Page level validation is the requirement of the user interface. Cross field validation is the most important. For example, without filling address line one, you cannot start to fill the address line 2. Sometimes, you need to accept the declaration or term and conditions before the submit. The new feature of new days web submit is verification code to avoid denial of attacks. Page level validations are change page to page. Model validation is important to execute business functionality on consistent model. Model is composed by number of Java beans (POJ

Quick step to Ruby on Rails on Fedora Linux Platform

This is a simple not how to install Ruby on Rails on Fedora platform and run your first database application. 1. Install Ruby on Rails is simple in Fedora platform. You can find the version of your Fedora 'uname -a'. Execute the following command to install Logging as root before install     <...>su -        <...>sudo yum install rubygem-rails rubygem-sqlite3-ruby 2. Setup the workspace. I have my all ruby applications under the one folder. This best practice I learnt from the Eclipse.     home>mkdir rubyws     home>cd rubyws 3. Next create your first ruby application, for example myapp (from the which was not worked form me -:  that is why I wrote this blog)     home>rails myapp     home>cd myapp     myapp> This will create myapp directory under the workspace. 4. Start the server in the different console     myapp>script/server 5. create the database     myapp>rake db:cre

Configure Eclipse, Derby and SQuirrel Client for Java Development

I k now this is easy for Linux experts. Novice programmers this note will be helpful. You can find enough informations to install and  run the application in Fedora without any problem. But how to add the entry to "Application" menu to fast access the application. login as a admin, ex: su - go to the /usr/share/applications create a file with the desktop extention, eg: gedit squirrel.desktop write a shortcut [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=SQuirrel Comment=SQuirrel Client Exec=/opt/squirrel-sql-3.2.0/./ Icon=/opt/squirrel-sql-3.2.0/icons/acorn.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=GNOME;Application;Development; StartupNotify=true Now you are ready to access the squirrel client via "Applications->Programming"

Missing Manual: Protégé OWL Tutorial

I am a fan of ontology development and used to the Protégé IDE for ontology development. The new release of Protégé 4.1 version not supports for the DL (Description Logic syntax) although version 3 has supported DL. Instead new versions used to the Manchester syntax which is easy for the general users. The new version of the “ Protégé OWL Tutorial ” also available in the  Manchester syntax. In this blog I would like to introduce the “Protege OWL Tutorial version 2.1”  DL semantics. You can follow the DL syntax while you are following the tutorial.

Spring 3 Integration with BlazeDS 3.2 for RIA development.

Very recently Spring BlzaeDS Integration 1.0.3 (SBI)has been released. I’ve been in the Flex 3 programming over  13 months (Flex 3 finally released in Feb 2008) and amazing about the capabilities. As a Java Programmer, I have a lots of experiences in Java Swing application development (using Eclipse Visual Editor) but Flex is the easiest so far found with great capabilities. As a Java programmer, for 10 years I suffered with lack of rich GUI facilities in Java (Swing and AWT very good but not rich as Flex). It is very rear to find a ERP which is based on the RIA capabilities. Fortunately, I found a ERP system which is supposed to migrate to RIA platform and I was selected as a chief consultant to define a RIA platform for this ERP. Architecture The Flex based solution is capable of provide a thin rich client on interne browsers. In addition to that client is portable across any browser were Flash 10 supports. The backend is based on Java EE enterprise solution. Adobe has highly

Spring 2.5+JPA 2.0+Strut 1.3 Web application development

There are lots of web application frameworks in the Java world. Still Struts is the de facto although Struts is the oldest. Struts only for the presentation. As usual, if there is Spring involvement, there are lots of benefits, but configuration is very difficult. In this blog introduce the way the following technologies are configured to develop web applications. Struts 1.3.2 JPA 2.0 (EclipseLink 2.0) Spring 2.5 Tiles 1.3 These technologies for different purposes and avoided the overlaps. For example, Struts for presentation layer, JPA as a model of presentation and Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) will be as business objects. Productivity is another concern. In this blog, I will show you how to create web application using above technologies and develop with Eclipse Galileo. Let’s consider the typical web application architecture. As shown in the following picture, Struts plays the MVC framework role, in the middle Business services and last, the Data Access Objects(DAOs). How