
Showing posts from September, 2009

Remote access with Spring HttpInvoker

Introduction I can remember the early days of Java where I used RMI to create distributed system. But it is very difficult to use RMI these days because distributed communication is restricted due to the security concerns under the organizational policies. Enterprise applications are evolved to adapt to current environment but for small scale distributed systems are not possible. This fact mainly forced me to explore the new technologies which is best suit for my requirements which are listed below Enterprise applications are mainly depends on HTTP protocols. Therefore, my choice also  HTTP. The RMI communication protocol is JRMP, but over the network, there are lot of problems communicating via JRMP. The best use is pure HTTP protocol without any tunneling because which can cause to firewall problems. The Framework should support to send and receive Java serialized objects  over the chosen protocols (which is HTTP according to the above point). The development e